Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Production > Topic: Zombie Riot
Zombie Riot
Dec 12 2008, 7:49 am
By: Cayden  

Dec 12 2008, 7:49 am Cayden Post #1

A short statement

First of all, let me begin by saying Map Making isn't exactly a solid stature for me at the moment. Some of you may remember who I am and how I was actually committed to map making. As the years grew on, I have lost touch in Map Making and became less interested in it. I've played a lot of games since my departure from Map Making. I've never really lost the flair with Map Making. I've found myself influenced by other friends who also make maps. I've worked on this little side project for a few months until now. Commitment has glued this map to my mind, and I don't feel I will give this one up!


Progress: 95%


Zombie Riot is a simple shoot 'em up game where up to 7 players control a lone unit and fight against the relentless hordes of the undead. Based off the popular Counterstrike Source mod known as Zombie Riot, players must survive up to seven days and fend off the growing sizes of the horde. In the Starcraft Realm, Zombie Riot focuses on simplicity and team work. Before going into battle, players can choose their loadout, pick one of the few maps/arenas to play on, stock up on additional equipment, using the Shuttle Inventory concept, and tackle the undead hordes head on.

News and Updates

Production halted over Christmas. Production will resume sometime later on. Check back here for updates.
Production has reached 95%.
New screenshots added in the screenshots section.
Thread started.

Implemented Systems
  • Force Fire System
  • Dropship System
  • Randomizing System
  • New Dynamic Pricing System
  • New Barricading System
  • Sound Base System
  • Multiple Arena System

Force Fire System (I am still contemplating this concept)
Force fire simply forces the player to manually target his foes instead of allowing the game to automatically acquire targets. This means the player must press A on the keyboard and left click a target to shoot.
Inventory (Shuttle System)
The Shuttle system is also another simply feature. It acts as an almost instant interactive function. You simply hot key the Shuttle to an assigned number, press the the number corresponding to the Shuttle and unload the unit. This saves the hassle of having to switch the screen to your inventory.
Randomizing System
Randomizing system will be in play throughout the entire map. This system will randomizing the items all across the map. It even includes randomized undead spawns.
Dynamic Pricing System
A new feature for the markets in the game. Dynamic Pricing means the prices of equipment always changes. When an item/equipment is popular to players, it will raise in price. On the other hand,least popular items/equipment will lower in price with great bargains.
Barricading System
Another new feature is how players can now board up points with ease. You no longer need an SCV to build an oversized pile of metal. In this, players access the Inventory (Dropship) and use the Barricade equipment. Then, a barricade is created below the players units feet. The next step is to move in the direction you need to allow the barricade to spawn. This completely removes the clipping glitch when a unit is created within that of another unit, forcing it to go nuts and run around in every direction to avoid the unit.
Sound Base System
What map is complete without sounds? In Zombie Riot, there are virtually heeps of sounds stored. Sounds of players footsteps will be heard. Sounds of gunfire from other players will be heard. There is sounds for every single weapon you can use. Not to mention a few other miscellaneous sounds.
Multiple Arena System
Although not new, it enhances the replayability and fun factor tremendously. That is what Zombie Riot aims for. There are over a dozen arenas players can battle on against the endless hordes of undead.

Survivalists Equipment
The survivalist catalog consists of many weapons and support equipment such as barricades and ammunition to supply the player with gear to survive the onslaught.

  • USP
  • Desert Eagle
  • MP5
  • M4A1
  • Remington
  • AWP
  • Flamethrower

  • Light Barricade
  • Heavy Barricade
  • Medical Pack
  • Ammunition
  • Life

The Market
The Market is home to all the equipment available to players. With Market terminals spread out across every arena, players can spend up their well earned credits towards additional gear for out on the field. The Market operates on a Dynamic Pricing system which focuses on ranging prices for every item and provide players discounts for equipment barely used. Most popular equipment will eventually become expensive, while equipment in that category will lower in price.

Raking in Credits/Cash
To earn credits, you must slay monsters. Each monster will give you a different price, usually the more tougher a monster is the more money it hands out.

Meet the horde
The armies of the undead have a vast and broad assortment of mindless, dumbfounded and walking corpses. Some have learned to adopt a brain, but most haven't got a clue.
  • Torso Zombie (Broodling)
  • Zombie (Zealot)
  • Infected Dog (Zergling)
  • Hunter (Hydralisk)
  • Plague Bearer (Defiler)
  • Immolator (Infested Terran)
  • Grave Dweller (Lurker)
  • Plague Master (Unclean One)
  • Unnamed (Devouring One)
  • Unnamed (Hunter Killer)
  • Hoarder (Fenix Zealot)
  • Death Witch (Infested Kerrigan)
  • Tanker (Ultralisk)

Some of these units have special abilities as used in default. Plague Bearer and use Dark Swarm to cloud the surroundings, Grave Dweller will burrow underneath the ground to send out killing spines and the Death Witch will cast many deadly spells to hinder your forces.

The Levels (Days)
  • Day One - Infection
  • Day Two - Riot
  • Day Three - Outbreak
  • Day Four - Epidemic
  • Day Five - Destruction
  • Day Six - Eradication
  • Day Seven - Containment

Day One will begin with just the average, common zombie. As the survivors make progress through each day, monsters will become tougher to defeat with new units spawning on the battlefield.

The Arenas
  • zr_village
  • zr_ancients
  • zr_caynon
  • zr_market
  • zr_standoff
  • zr_wasteland
  • zr_caves
  • zr_farm
  • zr_desertbase

Each map has different suppression points, meaning areas players can hold against the armies of the undead. Not to mention, each map has randomized spawn points for spare equipment players can search for out in the field. There is still room for two more arenas, but for now I am focusing on the backbone of the map, The Triggers.

For now I am only revealing four arenas at the moment

Final Statement
I will add more screen shots as the game becomes playable with others, at the moment it would be anytime soon. That being said in map making time spent on the map. I was hesitant at first to going public with this map, because of my time I spend on it. I do take my time, and work on it 2 to 3 hours a day. I find having such laid back commitment has allowed me to dedicated time towards this map without giving up. Considering I've had to go over like 100 triggers twenty times to fix up glitches, but I know I will get this done sooner or later. I will also say that I do not plan to release a completion date, as it may strain my commitment and eventually throw it of coarse. I will continue to update the thread with screen shots and more information.

I probably might ask for Beta testers when the time comes, so if you're interested in this map I'll create a roster.

Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on Dec 24 2008, 7:17 am by Cayden.


Dec 12 2008, 7:56 am Moogle Post #2

Predator of Bed Chambers

Oh your back mate?

This looks fun, maybe I could test with ya one time?

If all else fails, crowbar the fucker

Dec 12 2008, 8:17 am Riney Post #3

Thigh high affectionado

Very interesting, and multimaped for the win. A lot of good maps could (Or did promise but never provided) multiple versions of terrain while having the same generic engine. I hope you do finish this, and as you said when the time comes, Id love to beta test :D

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Dec 12 2008, 6:28 pm Cayden Post #4

Quote from name:
Very interesting, and multimaped for the win. A lot of good maps could (Or did promise but never provided) multiple versions of terrain while having the same generic engine. I hope you do finish this, and as you said when the time comes, Id love to beta test :D

I believe to get it done, eventually. I have already finished the terrain for each level except zr_standoff which needs some thinking time. Other than that I pretty much need to implement the randomization system for each map and its set.


Dec 12 2008, 7:47 pm Riney Post #5

Thigh high affectionado

So exactly how do you get baracades (I see from the way you put it that they will be extremely usefull by the way you decribed placement of them), can they be built/purchased before hand (Dunno if your screenshot is ALL of the market yet :P), or are they preplaced on the stage for the players usage?

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Dec 12 2008, 8:05 pm Cayden Post #6

Quote from name:
So exactly how do you get baracades (I see from the way you put it that they will be extremely usefull by the way you decribed placement of them), can they be built/purchased before hand (Dunno if your screenshot is ALL of the market yet :P), or are they preplaced on the stage for the players usage?

Oh its quite simple. I've added two screenshots displaying the use of the barricade system. The barricade is an item that is in the players inventory. When the player selects the barricade, its ready to spawn exactly where the player is. But since its a powerup resource unit, I couldn't have it spawn below the players units straight away. As you may know how annoying that clipping glitch is, I didn't want players units running all over the place into zombie hordes instead of safe haven houses. The player must define a direction to move in before the barricade is set. Usually taking one grid square to move. Barricades are not pre-placed, but players can find them inside supply crates that are dropped over the map from time to time.


Dec 16 2008, 2:29 am Cayden Post #7

I have updated the map production status to 95%. I will be calling for Beta testers soon.


Dec 16 2008, 3:12 am stickynote Post #8

This looks interesting. How do the players access the shop? Can they access it anytime, or only between days?

Can the players switch weapons if they own multiple weapons? If so, the players could switch weapons to heal without the use of a health pack.

Also, considering the amount of zombies I see in the screen shots, I think forcing the player to fire would make the game extremely difficult.

Some more things to consider. . .

-Do you plan on having an ammunition system? It might make the game more intense if the players have to reload manually.
-An idea I came up with from seeing your title picture. The smarter zombies have a chance of jumping over the barricades.
-An item suggestion. You could allow the players to buy (expensive) landmines (spider mines) to wipe out a chunk of zombies. But since you force the players to attack, the players will have to manually detonate the mine.
-Can the players upgrade? If so, then maybe they should only upgrade armor, not damage.


Dec 16 2008, 3:23 am Cayden Post #9

Quote from stickynote
This looks interesting. How do the players access the shop? Can they access it anytime, or only between days?

Can the players switch weapons if they own multiple weapons? If so, the players could switch weapons to heal without the use of a health pack.

Also, considering the amount of zombies I see in the screen shots, I think forcing the player to fire would make the game extremely difficult.

Some more things to consider. . .

-Do you plan on having an ammunition system? It might make the game more intense if the players have to reload manually.
-An idea I came up with from seeing your title picture. The smarter zombies have a chance of jumping over the barricades.
-An item suggestion. You could allow the players to buy (expensive) landmines (spider mines) to wipe out a chunk of zombies. But since you force the players to attack, the players will have to manually detonate the mine.
-Can the players upgrade? If so, then maybe they should only upgrade armor, not damage.

This looks interesting. How do the players access the shop? Can they access it anytime, or only between days?
They can access the shop anytime as long as they are near a Market Terminal. Depending on the time doesn't affect ones ability to access the Market.

Can the players switch weapons if they own multiple weapons? If so, the players could switch weapons to heal without the use of a health pack.
Players can only arm themselves with one weapon at a time. When purchasing a new one, players will heal automatically and come stocked with 3 magazines.

Also, considering the amount of zombies I see in the screen shots, I think forcing the player to fire would make the game extremely difficult.
I know. Since there is a tremendous amount of zombies, I figured force fire might be something used for when there is less zombies. But nevertheless, I might not implement it in this map now.

-Do you plan on having an ammunition system? It might make the game more intense if the players have to reload manually.
Yes. I am happy to say there is a system like that. Ammunition varies with each weapon. Ammunition levels aren't exactly realistic, with the player able to shoot off 32 USP bullets without reloading until the clip is empty. With this in mind, it balances the inventory size limit of 8, with Ammunition taking one slot, each Ammunition clip gives out 3 times that of an ordinary clip for each gun. Saving the player a trip to the market every 30 seconds. So as you can see, I didn't want ones inventory full of magazines and nothing else.

-An idea I came up with from seeing your title picture. The smarter zombies have a chance of jumping over the barricades.
Well, at the moment I don't have zombies jumping barricades just yet. I might consider it in the future.

-An item suggestion. You could allow the players to buy (expensive) landmines (spider mines) to wipe out a chunk of zombies. But since you force the players to attack, the players will have to manually detonate the mine.
I would have considered spider mines if they didn't conflict with the ammunition/sound system in the game. Seeing as sounds are based off when you kill, I didn't want an over-repeated sound of the weapon you have when a spider mine kills 10 zombies.

-Can the players upgrade? If so, then maybe they should only upgrade armor, not damage.[/quote]
Yes. I have plans to add the Engineering bay into the market soon. Armor has only been considered an upgrade and weapon damage has been disabled.

I hope you got the answers you were looking for.


Dec 16 2008, 4:22 am Pigy_G Post #10

Also, considering the amount of zombies I see in the screen shots, I think forcing the player to fire would make the game extremely difficult


Dec 16 2008, 9:18 pm StrikerX22 Post #11

I haven't made it through most of the thread yet, but I got a little idea which may be completely useless to ya, but I'll say it anyhow.

If there's a bunch of said zombies, perhaps in some area you could take advantage of the following elements: left-most preference of location centering, tiny locations (not pixel), several locations, unit slowdown with burrowed recentered units.

You could have it take the currently left-most units approaching (especially if they have some point in which they travel to the right), and have them move slower... it'd be kind of like a random effect. If you have locations to spare, make a good number of them and make them recenter continually on any (zombie) unit with them, and if there's no unit within them, recenter on any unit 'anywhere' or within a certain area. That way, when the slow ones die, they would allow another one to be slowed down. You can even slow them down at different rates depending on how often you recenter, or control how many locs you use when. It also doesn't matter if one brushes past another and gains the location... that almost will look natural, rather: one speeding up, the other deciding to slow down.

I believe if done correctly, this could create a great zombie effect. You could even potentially transport them somewhere for this effect, I believe, but that might be more complicated to make the locations follow.


Dec 17 2008, 3:28 am Cayden Post #12

Quote from StrikerX22
I haven't made it through most of the thread yet, but I got a little idea which may be completely useless to ya, but I'll say it anyhow.

If there's a bunch of said zombies, perhaps in some area you could take advantage of the following elements: left-most preference of location centering, tiny locations (not pixel), several locations, unit slowdown with burrowed recentered units.

You could have it take the currently left-most units approaching (especially if they have some point in which they travel to the right), and have them move slower... it'd be kind of like a random effect. If you have locations to spare, make a good number of them and make them recenter continually on any (zombie) unit with them, and if there's no unit within them, recenter on any unit 'anywhere' or within a certain area. That way, when the slow ones die, they would allow another one to be slowed down. You can even slow them down at different rates depending on how often you recenter, or control how many locs you use when. It also doesn't matter if one brushes past another and gains the location... that almost will look natural, rather: one speeding up, the other deciding to slow down.

I believe if done correctly, this could create a great zombie effect. You could even potentially transport them somewhere for this effect, I believe, but that might be more complicated to make the locations follow.

Ah I get what you mean. The only problem though is I'm running very short on locations and the rest are reserved for other stuff.


Dec 17 2008, 5:04 am Pigy_G Post #13

Recyle saves the map!


Dec 18 2008, 2:46 am Cayden Post #14

Quote from name:
Recyle saves the map!

Hey that sounds good. Where can I find this Recycler program?


Dec 18 2008, 4:41 am stickynote Post #15

recycle is not a program. Instead of using locations that have only one purpose, and only stay in one spot, you use burrowed zerglings owned by player 9 or 10 or neutral. The locations can be reused by centering them on the zerglings.


Dec 23 2008, 4:05 pm BlackWolf99 Post #16

i was thinking of making a map like this. but i lost it when i wiped my hard drive, u should finish it before or on christmas just for fun xD


Dec 23 2008, 4:12 pm T-Virus Post #17

Congrats on your return mate. I talked to you several months back about coming back (via msn) glad to see you decided to. Good luck on the map!


Dec 23 2008, 6:47 pm konflikt Post #18

I want to try this map =)


Dec 23 2008, 7:48 pm MadZombie Post #19

Dynamic Pricing System
Barricading System
Randomizing System
Multiple Arena System
Left4Dead-Like. Feels like Biojects "DooM" meets the popular (among noobs) "The Undead" SO HAWT.


Dec 24 2008, 7:24 am Cayden Post #20

Quote from name:
Congrats on your return mate. I talked to you several months back about coming back (via msn) glad to see you decided to. Good luck on the map!
Yeah thanks man, I hope to finish it. I'll catch you around in
Quote from name:
I want to try this map =)
Hopefully you will, but at the moment I'm taking a big break.
Quote from name:
Dynamic Pricing System
Barricading System
Randomizing System
Multiple Arena System
Left4Dead-Like. Feels like Biojects "DooM" meets the popular (among noobs) "The Undead" SO HAWT.

Well actually, this has nothing to do with that person. This map was completely influenced and inspired by Counterstrike Source.

Check News log for additional updates.


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Oh_Man -- lol, fine
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